Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 10 - Extreme Paris Sightseeing

Day 10 (Sept. 12th) - Today we engaged in extreme Paris sightseeing:
  • Place de la Concorde & Egyptian Obelisk
  • Louvre
  • Conceirgerie
  • Notre Dame
  • Arc de Triomphe

We were back into sightseeing mode.  Renae figured out the map and subway directions.

We first went to the Place de la Concorde where Marie Antoinette was beheaded.  There's nothing there today but an Egyptian Obelisk given to France from Egypt in the 19th century.
Place de la Concorde

Ben and the girls in front of the Egyptian Obelisk

We walked through the Tuileries Garden to the Louvre.  We used Rick Steves suggestion to purchase the Paris Museum pass at another entrance and skip the lines.  I stressed out a little as the store didn't take a credit card; I had to pull out my money belt to get cash.  The Louvre is notorious for pickpockets.  There are signs throughout the museum warning visitors.
Tuileries Garden

Flowers in Tuileries Garden

The Louvre is overwhelming; we basically saw the famous art objects.  We also learned to use the rest rooms inside the museum.  I spent €2 for all of us to use the restroom.
Girls in front of the Louvre

Notice about Pickpockets in the Louvre

Glass pyramid in the Louvre
Winged Victory

Mona Lisa

Say What?  This isn't the stop for bus #4?

Girls and statues

Code of Hammurabi
Venus de Milo
We planned on going to Sainte Chapelle after the Louvre, but the lines were so long we would not have gotten in before closing.  Leah wanted to go into a small pet store we walked by on the way to Sainte Chapelle.
Do these puppies say "woof"?

Ratatouille Anyone?
We made a quick detour to see the Conceirgerie where Marie Antoinette and many others were kept imprisoned before execution.  
The Hall of the Men-At-Arms

MarieAntoinette's cell (recreated)

Cells for prisoners
Next, we made it to Notre Dame.  It's a beautiful, old cathederal.  Just outside the exit, young people are trying to scam tourists by pretending to be deaf asking for signatures on a petition and donations.
Notre Dame Cathederal

A newly married couple outside of the catherderal

Inside of Notre Dame

Cross in Notre Dame
We came across a demonstration near the Hotel de Ville on the way to the metro station.
Police Van

A demonstration by Islamists for Solidarity

The day ended with a quick trip to the Arc de Triomphe around 5:30 p.m. Napolean Bonaparte initiated this monument in 1806 to commerate his victorious armies.  The arch is the center point for the busiest intersection in the world with 12 boulevards converging on the circle around the arch.  When we got there, there was military ceremony for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Arc de Triomphe

Renae pausing on one of the 284 stairs to the top of the monument

View down the stairwell

Eiffel Tower from the Arc de Triomphe

Ben and the girls at the top of the monument

Military ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe

1 comment:

hannahdurrett said...

Wow! Notre Dame is sooo pretty! It must of been amazing in person!

-Hannah Durrett