Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Observations

Here are a couple of random observations:

Brown eggs in a box of 10
Combo washer/dryer unit in the kitchen

  • Elizabeth's favorite parts of the trip - So far seem it to be getting on and off the tube/subway and the chocolate oreos from the small grocery store next door (they're 2 packages for £1).
  • Westminster Abbey - It is a working church.  I wonder how the church balances the secular demands of being a tourist attraction with its spiritual mission.
  • Eggs - are sold in the little market near our flat brown, un-refrigerated, in a box of 10.  The carton indicates whether they are organic, free range, barn or caged.
  • Safety - I feel much safer in London than I expected.  We haven't seen any homeless people (compared to San Francisco where I travel for business).  Also, there aren't many pigeons
  • Public Transportation - Once you get a knack for the maps (as Renae has), the buses and tube/subway are extremely convenient to use.  I bought 7 day travel cards before our arrival; that seems to have been a good choice.
  • The flat/apartment has a combo washer/dryer unit in the kitchen.  Renae learned that it takes really small loads (or it won't dry the clothes well).
  • Google and Google Chrome don't seem to work on our laptops.  Google wants to connect to www.google.co.uk.  Only when I'm connected via a personal VPN do they work.  I'm using witopia.  It allows us to connect to the web securely and look like we're located in the US.  I got this so we could use Netflix (it's blocked outside of the US).www.google.co.uk

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