Friday, September 9, 2011

More observations on London

Here are some more observations on London:
  • Renae noted that we didn't see many school age children or families in London.  It seems to be a city more for upwardly mobile professionals/
  • Is London expensive for Londoners?  I don't know the answer to that.  Most of the prices we saw on everything are what I'd expect to pay in a large city--if the prices were in dollars!  Multiply the the cost by $1.65 per £ and the price of London is extreme.  We brought are own water, ate snacks and had breakfast at the flat/apartment every morning to keep the cost down.  I'm curious if the city is as expensive for residents.
  • Not many Americans in London--maybe because it's the shoulder season after school has started, or because of the economy.   The waitress at The Rose Pub couldn't tell from our accent if we were American, Canadian or Australian!
  • Stay to the right on the escalators in the tube/subway!  We learned very quickly during rush hour that the left side is for folks running to catch a train.  The girls did very well following this rule.
  • Bus drivers were very helpful in answering questions about when to get off.  Renae was fearless in asking about how to get around.
  • Washer/Dryer - The combo unit in the flat/apartment isn't very good.  It took about 4 hours to wash & dry about 10 pieces of small clothing.  We're not sure how a family could do laundry with a unit like that.
  • South Beach Diet - I've tried to stick to the South Beach Diet, but it's been difficult.  Not many budget options that are low carb.  Sandwiches and frozen foods or "fish and chips" all have lots of carbs.  However, I have avoided the oreos and chips/french fries.


Ali said...

Hi Ben and family -

Looks and sounds like a great trip. I am very jealous. A couple questions:
1) Did anyone eat fish and chips?
2) Did anyone eat a terry's chocolate orange?

Hope Paris is as great! Eat some good bread and drink some champagne (only mom and dad):o)

Allison Mistlebauer

Ben, Renae, Ruth, Sarah, Leah and Elizabeth said...

Allison, I, Ben's wife, ate fish and chips 4 times. Loved it! I don't believe anyone tried the chocolte orange. We did not know about this treat. Renae

godgoggles said...

What's a chocolate orange??? Is it an orange dipped in chocolate?
Emily B.

Ben, Renae, Ruth, Sarah, Leah and Elizabeth said...

Yes, I believe it is orange dipped in chocolate. However, we didn't try that one. The girls had banana and strawberries dipped in chocolate.