Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 16 - Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Day 16 (Sept. 18) - We spent today in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a romantic, touristy, little town in northern Bavaria.

Unfortunately, it was a cold, rainy day.

We had a full continental breakfast at our Hotel/Cafe consisting of cold cuts, cheeses, breads, yogurt, and coffee.  The girls liked the Nutella the tried on their bread.

View from our room

Ruth, Leah and Elizabeth at breakfast

As we were gathering our umbrellas to go walking through the town, I discovered that the purple one I was carrying wasn't ours.  I took this accidentally from the apartment in Paris--yes, follow the Buslers as we steal our way across Europe.  First, it's Renae taking the iron in London, next Ben removes the umbrella from Paris.

Our hotel is right next to the outer medieval wall.  After breakfast, we started walking towards the Marktplatz (market place) in the center of the old town.  Renae thought we should each have an umbrella so I bought another one at a store just opening up.  (Most stores in Germany are closed on Sundays by law.  However, tourist shops are allowed to open).
Shopping for another umbrella

Gate in the outer wall near our hotel
Store where we bought an umbrella between the outer wall and Cafe Uhl
Rothenburg is famous for its Christmas stores and its Christmas Museum.  It's actually on the 2nd floor of Käthe Wohlfart Christmas Stores--excellent marketing ploy.  After purchasing a couple of small Christmas ornaments (the prices are outrageous--only the Japanese and Swiss would think these prices are reasonable), we looked for nice restaurant for lunch.
Christmas Store Display

Christmas Tree Display
We had lunch at Zum Schwan, a very friendly restaurant with generally reasonable prices.  However, I paid the same for each girl's bottle of water (3€) as I did for the beers for Renae and I.  Ruth tried the Schnitzel and liked it.

After lunch we took an historical walking tour of Rothenburg in English.

Rothenburg Clock Tower displays day, hour and minute

Lutheran St. Jakob's Church

Medieval gate to this imperial city closed every night at dusk

View of the countryside for the wall of the city

400 year old tree

Oldest house inside the old city

All signs are required to be this medieval type or painted on

The six pointed star was used to indicate a license to brew beer

Everyone is trying to keep warm in the afternoon
Then the 3 older girls and I visited the medieval crime museum near Marktplatz.  Renae and Elizabeth went shopping.
Medieval Crime Museum

Leah and Sarah have done something wrong

Shame mask for gossips

Medieval capital crimes and method of execution

Baker's chair used to dunk in water bakers who made bread too light or too heavy
Because it was cold and rainy, we decided to skip the Nightwatchman's tour, and had dinner back out our hotel.

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