Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Renae is finally up early and saying hello.

Even though it is evening your time, it is 5 am here in London.  It has taken me a long time to acclimate to the time zone.  I have slept in every day and those that know me know that I am an early riser.  I thought I would make a short post here this morning.
Despite the rain, it has really been a great experience in London.  The city is so fast paced it's unbelievable.  I am navigating our way around and have pretty much mastered the bus schedules.  I needed to adjust my thinking since they drive on the left side of the road which affects where the bus stop is located. The bus and tube system here are phenomenal. We can travel anywhere relatively quickly and hardly wait long for a bus or tube.  Elizabeth seems to really enjoy the tube system.  It was little too crowded for me during rush hour.  We managed to all stay together and safe. I have enjoyed every place we have been so far. I just find it is a bit overwhelming with all there is to see at the museums.  There is so much information that I wish I had access to them all the time for the girls and schooling.  We try to hit the highlights and keep them interested.  Ben and I could spend so much more time reading everything.  I am amazed at how well Elizabeth is doing.  She was a little sad about the last stop yesterday, the Imperial War Museum (surprise!), but once inside, she had a great time and loved the trenches.  We had just finished studying WWI, so she could really relate.  Going through the WWII area and seeing the Churchill Museum earlier in the day created excitement for the girls as we plan to study this time period soon.  It is great to see them so excited about history.  Hope to be up early again tomorrow. Renae

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your pictures! It looks like you are having a wonderful time. Keep posting picture. We miss you all!