Monday, September 12, 2011

Pain Chocolat

A couple of friends highly recommended pain chocolat or bread with chocolate inside.  When I went to get groceries at the Monoprix this morning, I picked up 5 of these and 5 croissants for breakfast.

The girls love them.  I even tried one (even though not on the South Beach diet!)


hannahdurrett said...

Looks yummy!

The Masons said...

These were Karl's favorite...we ate one every single morning we were there...and a few more for good measure!

Ben, Renae, Ruth, Sarah, Leah and Elizabeth said...

A friend of mine told me about these and they are yummy. I could eat one every day too. They are not the best choice for my diet. I have been splurging while here though. Renae

godgoggles said...

Mmmm! They look delicious, I think I tried something like that at Paradise Bakery once.
-Olivia B.