Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 5 - Tower of London / London Eye

We slowed down our sightseeing today to just 2 attractions:

Today, we got a late start and spent most of the day The Tower of London.  We had to leave when it closed at 5:30 p.m. without seeing all of the grounds.  We could spend another whole day there.

There's way too much history about the Tower of London that I won't replicate any here.  Click on the link above for more info.

Tower of London from the entrance

Yeoman Warder (retired royal marine) gave our tour

Sarah wearing a heavy metal cap worn by medieval  guards

White Tower

Changing of the Guard at the Tower of London

Ben on a Norman Gaderobe (yes, it's what you think it is) 
Character from Victorian times

One of the ravens kept at the Tower of London to prevent the curse of the ravens from coming true

Busler Family at the White Tower at closing time

London Eye was one of the must-do activities for this trip.  It was a great (but outrageously expensive) 1/2 hour activity.  During the summer the line can be 1-2 hours long.  Fortunately, we only had to wait 5 min.  However, security did take my camping combo knife/spoon/fork.  We also did the 4-D theater after the ride--basically a 5 min. 3-D ad for the London Eye with smoke and fake snow.

London Eye from the entrance

Renae and girls in the capsule

The capsule before us

Busler Family in the London Eye at sunset

House of Parliment and Big Ben from the London Eye

London Eye at night

House of Parliment and Big Ben at night during our walk home along the embarkment on the south side of the Thames

1 comment:

godgoggles said...

Yay! You went on the London Eye! What was it like?
-Olivia B.