Saturday, September 3, 2011

In London

Everyone did very well with a hard travel day.  After 9 1/2 hr flight to Heathrow, it 1 1/2 hrs to get through customs, then an hour to get to Vauxhall station from the airport. 

Fortunately, our garmin and the help of kind strangers we found our flat.  We walked passed Parliment, Westminister Abbey and went to Trafalgar Square.  Had dinner at Churchill's (Renae & I had fish and chips.  The girls went with old standbys:  Cheeseburgers, pizza, baked potatoes.

1st snafu of the the trip.  The 6 universal voltage plugs aren't working.  We're going to try to find a place tomorrow to recharge all of our electronics. 

Lastly, pluses and minuses of our flight:
* We got earlier boarding because of Elizabeth's size - score!
* Renae got her and I south beach friendly (i.e., diabetic dinners) on the flight - score
* Free glass of wine with dinner - score
* My new Xoom tablet stopped working half way through the flight - foul!
* The stewardess told us we needed only one landing card per family; had to scramble to fill it out for everyone at the front of the line-foul

However, we're all very excited to be here.  Now, Renae & are going to the little store next store to see if they have plugs or sim cards. 

Till later,


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