Friday, September 23, 2011

Notes on Driving in Germany

Here are a couple of observations on driving in Germany:
  • There is a yellow light before green light
  • The stripes on the road are all white (except for where the lanes have been temporarily changed due to road construction--those stripes are orange)
  • There's very little room for merging lanes--about 5 seconds
  • On the autobahn the speed limit can vary with each lane
  • The rule is to stay on the right unless passing--seems like drivers take that very seriously
  • There are very few passing lanes.  Even on the autobahn it's mostly 2 lanes in 1 direction.  On the other highways   its mostly 1 lane each direction
  • Very slow moving vehicles don't seem to feel the need to pull over to allow traffic to pass
  • There's a small village every 5 minutes; there's never any speed change notice signs

Overall, it seems the Germans have built a world-class highway system, but expect drivers to figure out how to drive on it on their own.

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