Thursday, September 22, 2011

Paris Wacko on the Subway

The night before we left Paris we went to see the Eiffel Tower at night. 
On the subway back to our apartment, two elderly, gypsy men got on the subway.  They made a loud announcement then began to play an accordion and violin.  After they finished one walked around looking for tips.  I gave him a euro.
We had similar experience when we left the next day to get to the Paris Est train station.  After we got on the subway, a 20-something young woman got on the train and made a loud announcement, and then she began to sing Ave Maria

However, about a third of the way through her song, a wild-looking, long curly haired man jumped on the train.  He began to yell something about Catholics, and then spit out “ptuh, ptuh”.  He then stormed up and down the train saying something about America, then “Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!   Hallelujah!”  This stopped the Ave Maria young lady from singing.  She jumped off the train at the next stop.

This made for an interesting last experience in Paris.

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