Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 22 - Documentation Center Eagles Nest

Day 22 (Sept. 24th) - When we woke this morning, the clouds were actually lower than us around the mountain.

We checked out of the campground.  The woman at the main desk wasn't very friendly.  When we checked in last night, she told us to pick out a spot and come back to tell which one.  After we found a spot and went back, the office was closed.  Fortunately, the electricity box was unlocked.  (At most German campgrounds, you're charged for the electricity you use-- usually 0.60€ per KWH)
Clouds around the mountain 

More clouds around the mountain

We drove up a very steep road to get to the Documentation Center.  This is the only museum in Germany dedicated to documenting the Nazi rule and Adolf Hitler's reign.  The 3 older girls and I visited the center and saw the underground bunker system built by the Nazi's for a potential last stand in Obersalzburg.
RV sticking out into the road in Documentation Center parking lot

Poster of Adolf Hitler

Poster of Germanic People from the 1930s
After lunch in the RV, all of us took the bus to the Eagle's Nest (Kehlsteinhaus in German).  This house was built as a gift from the Nazi party to Adolf Hitler for his 50th birthday.  There is only a one lane road up the mountain with 2 spots for passing.  This being Germany, the buses are timed to meet at exactly the same time going up and down the mountain.

Once we got off the bus, we had to walk through a tunnel to take a 400 ft elevator ride to top.  The building is now a restaurant.  From the top of the mountain, you can see the Alps, the Bavarian countryside, and even Salzburg.
Elizabeth and Sarah on the bus up the mountain

The girls walking through the tunnel to the elevator

The Busler family at the cross on top of Kehlstein Mountain

View of the Alps from the top of Kehlstein Mountain

View of the Eagle's Nest from the top of the mountain

Para-sailing off the mountain
After coming back down the mountain at 4 p.m., we drove to Salzburg (about 10 miles away).  I was somewhat stressed as I needed to buy a vignette sticker for the RV.  In Austria, instead of having toll roads, vehicles have to display this sticker.  It cost 7.90€ for 10 days; the fine for driving without the sticker is 250€+!

Our wonderful Garmin again took us through the middle of the city.  I saw a McDonald's and thought that would be an easy dinner option.  However, there wasn't any parking places.  After some maneuvering around, I took up 3-4 spaces at the store next door.  My credit card didn't work here because US credit cards don't use the chip and pin system.

Sanitary wipe system for the toilette seat in the men's room

Our camping spot in Salzburg

Main building of Camping Nord-Sam
We staying at a Camping Nord-Sam, nice campground that required driving down some very narrow roads to get here.  It's as if the owners picked one of the most difficult spots to drive through to place their campground.

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