Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sarah's 2nd Post (9/13/2011)

I'm not sure what to say.  My favorite thing so far was the Eiffel Tower; bread is my favorite food.  I really like the bread here.  I also like the Meringue also.

It's interesting that you can walk to all the places you want to go or that you can take the subway.  Their language is really interesting.

A girl pretended to be deaf and wanted me to sign a petition; my dad says this was a scan.  A man tried to do a "ring" scam on my dad today.

I thought we would be pickpocketed right away.  When we got here, I thought everyone might be a pickpocket person.  But, they're not all pickpockets; just a few are.

Also, the toilette is in a separate room from the sink and the shower.  Also, the A/C is a machine by the window.   There's a tube going outside.

I miss all my friends and hope to see them soon.


hannahdurrett said...

Is the bread normal bread, or does it have cheese or something in it? Did you get it fresh?

I think it's really cool that you can walk or take the subway everywhere. I wish it was that way here.

Sounds like pickpockets are making you paranoid. :)

We miss you too! Youth Group this Friday won't be the same without you guys.

-Hannah Durrett

Edie said...

Hi Sarah! I wish I could taste that bread! Because sice you like it, I would proabaly like it too. I'm really excited to see you in November!


Edie said...

I'm also glad you haven't been pickpoceted!


Ben, Renae, Ruth, Sarah, Leah and Elizabeth said...

This is Sarah,

Hi Tegan,

It's very good bread; it's rich and white and yummy.

godgoggles said...

Hi, Sarah!
What's the meringue like? (You know me, always the little baker person. LOL) I'm SO glad you haven't been pickpocketed. I'll still be praying for you, though. It sounds like you guys are having fun. Miss you SO much, especially at MoezArt. Always,
Olivia B.

godgoggles said...

I miss you too! Will you guys be back in time to come to our moezart "best christmas pageant ever" play? If so, make sure that you buy tickets from me!!! Have Fun!
Emily B.