Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 26 (Sept 28th) - Sightseeing in Regensburg

Day 26 (Sept 28th) - Eric rearranged his work day to show us Regensburg.
He drove his wife’s small Volkswagen SUV (like Martin’s) into Regensburg to see the Dom, or old cathedral.  Regensburg was spared almost all bombing in World War II because there was very little industry there.  Eric hosted us to a 50 minute river cruise on the Danube and Regensburg River.  Then we had small, white wurstchens at theoldest Wurst Kitchen in the world.  It has been in operation since the 900s. 
Regensburg Old Cathederal

Inside the Regensburg Dom

Eric Horlacher in front of the Regensburg Rathaus
After lunch, we took a boat tour on the Danube and Regensburg rivers.  Then we went back to the Rathaus, and all of us took at tour of Regensburg in English.  The woman who gave the tour lived in Indiana for 3 years while her husband studied for his PhD under a Fulbright scholarship.  She was old enough to room getting food at school during from the Marshall Plan.  Intestinally, Eric mentioned that he learned a lot about Regensburg.  The last time he took a tour was when I was there 30 years ago.

Regensburg's Old Stone Bridge

Boat Tour on the Danube
View of church domes from cruise of Regensburg River

Original Roman Gate in Regensburg
We cut the tour short to take an English tour of the Rathaus (or town hall).  Regensburg’s town hall was a meeting place of the Imperial Diet during time of the Holy Roman Empire.

After the tours, Eric drove us back to Minoritenhof to visit his Mother.  Irene took a liking to Elizabeth and had her help serve cookies and coffee.  We then went back to the Italian restaurant for dinner.  Irene came over a little later to give us some prints of Regensburg.  Martin’s wife showed up later, but Martin had to leave early for a meeting.

Eric took us drove us back to our campground for an end to a wonderful day in Regensburg.

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